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Fade out before fade in
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Paul Bolejack
New Member
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    I have a slideshow with several "content" slides that are mostly text. They are quotes next to small images of who said the quote. I prefer to use a fade transition over the move or move/fade but the new slide fades in at the same time as the old fades out so the text for both slides is visible at the same time making it very unattractive. I would like one to completely fade out before the next one fades in. It would be like having "sequential fade" and "simulanious fade" options.
    Morteza Kermani
    New Member
    New Member


    You may fix this issue by adding a background color to slides.

    find followin line in style.css

    And replace it with

    Paul Bolejack
    New Member
    New Member

    That doesn't seem to work. I'm guessing because the changes to the opacity on the occur on the div.DS-slide affect the background along with every thing else. So the solid white background of the current slide is becoming transparent during fade out, allowing the new slide to be visible while the current slide is still fading.
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